Cleaning your bathroom might not be your favorite thing to do, but I think we can all agree that it's a necessity. Check out these tips on how to make bathroom cleaning a breeze!
Cleaning Tips:
Avoid spending hours deep cleaning your bathroom by keeping up with it weekly
Apply cleaner to the shower and bathtub and move on to something else to give the cleaner time to soak in
Remove all items from countertops and surfaces so you don't have to work around anything
Remember to clean the ceiling and light fixtures from time to time to avoid mildew, spots, and built-up grime
Polish all stainless steel to keep it looking shiny and new
Add potpourri or candles to keep your bathroom smelling fresh
Frequently clean the backsplash around the sink, making sure to get in the grout lines
If you live in an area with very hard water try to keep your showerheads unclogged by checking them regularly
For your safety, know your cleaning products and which products can be used together (Learn more about Green Cleaning here)
Use a toothbrush to scrub hard to reach spaces. (Learn more about cleaning in tight spaces here)
Use abrasive scrubbing pads to remove bathtub rings or deposits on shower floors
What are your favorite tricks to keeping your bathroom clean? Leave us a comment!